'Gone Surfin' animation practise

With this short animation i'm going to talk about the creation process, as well as the influences and the positives/negatives of the final result.

Creation process

The animation consists of only three frames of animation separated into four elements, Background, Font, Van, and Wheels. The background and font are both stationary elements that aren't moving , the only elements that do move are the van and the wheels.

To make the moving elements move I followed one of the twelve elements of animation: Squash and Stretch , to create the movement I used two frames and exaggerated the drawings to emphasize the speed,weight, mass and momentum of the van and wheels. I believe that this was executed well as the end result does end up looking like the van is trucking along. however for next time I would like to try and push the proportions a bit more to really exaggerate the movement of the van


Image result for bewitched
I wanted to take influence from simplistic 60's animation styles, the drawings and style of that decade fit in with the beachy themes of the camper, and surfing that gained popularity during 1960's California, Hawaii and Australia. As well as this the font 'Gone surfin'' is based off of the t.v show 'Bewitched' a popular american sitcom based in the 1960's

Positives and negatives

Overall I believe the whole project went very well, It was completed in a relatively short amount of time (approximately 1 hour), as well as this I like the overall look of the animation it fits the theme quite well with its style, finally i like the motion that was created, as it fits the real life movement of the BMW camper van it was based off of. However there are also elements that i would like to revise and improve on for next time, for instance: next time I would like to emphasise the movement of the van even further to create a more exaggerated and 'animated' movement, as well as this i'd also like to change the colouring of the van from a muddy yellow and green to a more traditional colouring of BMW camper van's. Finally next time i'd like to work on the composition of the animation, for a practise animation I think it fulfills the purpose but i'd like to develop it further possibly theming it off of a 60s advert or postcard


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