'Mum Warhol' winking/blinking animation practise

With this short animation i'm going to talk about the creation process, as well as the influences and the positives/negatives of the final result.

Creation process

The animation consists of several frames of animation using the one down two up method of blinking

To make the moving elements move I followed the two in one out method for blinking, to create the movement I first used two frames frame one is the eye fully opened, and the next frame is the eye half opened, his creates the down part of the blink/wink. Secondly the next frame is the eyelid closed fully, and after this would be eye closed again but the curve of the eyelid has the same start and end point as the frame before but a lower curve, these two frames ensure that the blink/wink is a smooth transition. Thirdly the next three flames would be a slightly open eye first, then a half open eye second, and finally a open eye for the last (7th) frame


there are two main influences for this animation, firstly the model behind this work is my mother and I took inspiration from her movement and mannerisms. The second influence would be Andy Warhol for the art work, I took inspiration form his very graphic style and approach to art, and I believed I could manipulate his art style something that is easy to animate

Positives and negatives

Overall the animation achieves the effect of both looking like an Andy Warhol piece as well as looking achieving the winking effect very well, in particular I believe that i did the hair very successfully as well as having a successful resemblance of my mother. 
However there are some things that I would change for next time. Firstly some of the coloring in and line work is quite messy and could do with being retouched, secondly the colors of the piece in my mind don't flow fully together and take away from the piece, Next I would have put in a bit more detail around the chest to give it more definition so that it is more appealing to look at, rather than it being a flat white area Finally for next time I would like to adjust the timing of the animation so that it has a more exaggerated effect.


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